Nama : Nazwa
Kelas : X - IPS 1

Hallo Warga Tiga!

• In commemorating International Mental Health Day, we as Indonesian youth, held a mental health seminar.

• This event will be filled with topics of adolescent mental health discussion which is currently experienced by many adolescent, such as : anxiety, loneliness, depression, stress, and much more!

Some ways to deal with mental illness can we get there!

• The seminar will be filled by the arrival of two famous psychologists in Indonesian, namely :

- Prof. Dr. Hamdi Muluk

- Dr. Seto Mulyadi, S.Psi., M.Si.

• This event will certainly not be boring! Because it will be enlivened by the presence of a guest star of a famous music grup among teenagers of course. HIVI!

HIVI! Will fill the event by singing a number of song from them what will be very popular!

    • So, let's all come  
                      to this mental health 
                          seminar! A lot of.                                               knowledge that we will                                         get there!
